Robert Abela boasted that from February 1, prices in 15 food categories will be reduced by 15%.
Robin Marta asked Abela. “People are already saying that the food categories could have been healthier. We have fries, but no fresh produce. How do we respond?”
The Prime Minister responded, “I do not agree with that criticism.”
Abela had a golden opportunity to make some difference in Europe’s most obese population. To adopt healthier dietary choices. He could have chosen to lower the price of food, which is highly recommended by the World Health Organization to improve health. Fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and fresh fish. But none of them are on Abela’s list.
In return, Abela reduced the price of fries and corned beef. Corned beef for crying out loud.
Corned beef is a processed food and is high in saturated fat, salt, and cholesterol, which are among the most deadly. This is fat that clogs arteries and is responsible for the majority of deaths in this country from heart attacks and strokes.. It can also cause blockages in the arteries in the legs, leading to loss of limbs.
Corned beef is a world apart from fresh fish, fruits, and vegetables.
Avera is also lowering the price of fries to encourage more obese kids to become super obese. Malta is facing an obesity crisis, with 39.4% of children and adolescents being overweight or obese, according to a 2022 study, yet Abela is slashing the price of its brittle frozen fries.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating French fries twice a week doubled the risk of death.. This is not surprising, since French fries contain trans fatty acids, which pose serious health risks.
The World Health Organization warns that “industrially produced trans fats are not part of a healthy diet and should be avoided.”
French fries also usually have salt in them. “Consumption of French fries increases the risk of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, all of which are strong risk factors for cardiovascular disease,” the paper states.
These are the most prevalent health problems among the Maltese population.
French fries also contain acrylamide, which has been linked to increased cancer risk. FDA and UK government warn Although he opposed the overconsumption of acrylamide, Abela encouraged its consumption by lowering the price of fries.
Abela’s product list also includes regular pasta. Whole grain pasta, a much healthier option, doesn’t get any cheaper. It will probably be more expensive.
Only the wealthy can afford healthy food, and those struggling with rising costs of living will have to make do with the types of foods the World Health Organization recommends avoiding.
Regular pasta is made from refined wheat. Fiber, protein, and all the good stuff is removed from the wheat.On the other hand, whole wheat pasta is much healthier. Effective for weight management and sugar restriction.
Making regular pasta cheaper and whole-wheat pasta relatively expensive will inevitably lead to more consumption of unhealthy varieties.
Robert Abella is doing the exact opposite of what the World Health Organization recommends.
The World Health Organization’s Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health was adopted in 2004. By the Health Parliament. The strategy called on governments, international partners, the private sector and civil society to take action at global, regional and local levels to support healthy diets.
The report promotes healthy eating “through ensuring the availability of healthy, nutritious and affordable food” and encourages governments to “review the prices” of such food. It was recommended that
In return, Avella is lowering the price of its corned beef and fries.Our nation’s poor diet and record obesity rates demand a concerted effort to address what has become a virtual national health crisis..
As our tertiary health care sector collapses under the strain of staggering hospitalization rates from complications of diabetes and hypertension, our Prime Minister boasts that he will make the most unhealthy foods readily available to the public.
The sad truth is that the poorest people in our society are at the highest risk of heart attack and stroke.Malta’s number one killer.
They are also the ones forced to consume the most unhealthy products that would otherwise be cheaper. Those of us who are wealthier may be able to afford to avoid falling into that trap.
What is even sadder is that the poorest among us are sentenced to an early death.. Part of the significant mortality difference between the rich and poor lies in the types of food we consume and the choices we make.
“Choice” is the wrong word. If you can’t afford anything else, you don’t really have a choice. Your only choice is to starve to death or eat a can of corned beef or a bag of french fries. And thanks to Abela for making them more affordable.
If you’re desperate, as a growing number of our population are, you have little time or energy to be stingy with what’s on your plate. Because if something is enough, it’s enough.
Abela boasts that Labor is helping people living in poverty, but IInstead, it puts the health of the most vulnerable people at risk by lowering the prices of the least healthy foods.
The promised price cuts won’t materialize immediately. As Mr. Abela acknowledged by paying small store compensation every month, we are all paying the price.
Abela could have used that public money to lower the price of healthy local produce. He could have used this opportunity to follow the recommendations of the World Health Organization and encourage the consumption of healthy foods while promoting local agriculture and fishing.
Most importantly, he could have inspired his people to adopt healthier eating habits, lose weight and live longer and healthier lives.
Mr. Abela’s intentions in tackling the food price issue may be well-intentioned, but his stubborn refusal to consult others has led to a series of gaffes.
Has he spoken to the Minister of Health? His measures will not lead to savings for the people.Insteadthey will push the poorest people into worse dietary choices.
The only thing the brash and overconfident Abela can achieve is to keep Malta at the top of Europe. – In case of obesity, diabetes and their deadly complications.