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As a lifelong Alaskan, I have had the privilege of attending, sending my children to, and working in great public schools. When I was growing up, class sizes were small and all students in the Anchorage School District had access to opportunities such as shopping and home economics. But over time, everything changed. State legislators have abdicated their constitutional obligation to maintain the public education system. As flat funding amounts to inflationary cuts, elected officials have made it clear that what they want for Alaska's schools is atrophy, not retention.
I took time last weekend to attend the House Rules Committee hearing on SB 140. Speaker after speaker indicated that Alaskans are concerned about the future of education in their state. Many of the public comments were difficult to hear, as people implored elected officials to fund the education system and give their grandchildren the same opportunities they had. did. Alaskans spoke of the “difficult choices” facing schools and districts. The reality is that we are not considering “hard choices.” We're looking at something disruptive. Closing schools is not a difficult choice. Neighborhoods where schools are located are devastated. Ending a program that maintains student interest is not a difficult choice. It's devastating for students who find community and purpose in these places. Reducing the number of school staff is not a difficult choice. It is devastating for our profession and communities to experience a mass exodus of new teachers and no one to replace them.
During the public hearing on SB140, Commissioner Deena Bishop said something that shocked me. When asked about her previous calls for a BSA increase and her change of heart, Ms. Bishop said, “When you know better, you do better.” So what do we know about educating Alaska's children? I know that the combination of flat BSA funding and inflation is devastating Alaska's schools and school districts. we know. When adjusted in real dollars, Alaska spent less than any other state in the country. According to the University of Alaska Anchorage Social and Economic Research Institute, the cost of goods and services to Alaska's schools results in $12,281 in “real” dollars, up from the $18,394 the state likes to boast about.
We know that class size is the greatest indicator of student success. Simply put, students in smaller classes perform better. The state has called for significant improvements when it comes to our children. If the BSA does not increase, the class will not only remain large, but will grow even larger.
The state asked school districts to connect students to career and technical paths. What they are not doing is denying schools, teachers, and students the resources they so much deserve. In his testimony, Commissioner Bishop noted that the “what'' of education spending is more important than the “amount.'' Unfortunately, that “something” is people, and people need funding. Smaller class sizes mean more teachers are available to help fill in the gaps for struggling readers. We need paraprofessionals, front office workers, and janitors to help create the schools and services that students deserve.
We know that bonuses are not enough to retain qualified teachers in our state. When people feel effective and supported, they stay. Non-existent retirement plans, large class sizes, and unfunded state mandates are forcing teachers out of their jobs in droves. These problems continue to exist even with large bonuses, and teachers continue to leave, impacting students the most.
What we know is clear. Alaska's children and our families deserve better than the BSA's $300 increase in SB140. They deserve more than political control of local management of our charter schools. They are worth more than a crumbling, understaffed building. Congress must do better now, because we know better. Invest in Alaska. Raise BSA.
Michaela Kolerok A lifelong Alaskan, she has been a special education teacher for 10 years and is the mother of two children who attend Alaska public schools.
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