One of this year’s highly anticipated films is warrior, starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor. Apart from the buzz of this new on-screen couple, Hrithik Roshan’s physical transformation has surprised his fans and his pals. The actor took to his Instagram to share a five-week intensive training routine that left him looking ripped and shredded. One of the people who helped him make this remarkable transformation is his fitness coach and trainer Swapneel Hazare.
Hazare has been training Roshan for over five years and as for the fighter, the fitness expert praises the level of commitment and drive the actor brings on a daily basis. “It’s easy to say that his body is amazing, but the hard work, time, dedication and effort that Hrithik put in is known only to those involved and a few who were around him.” Hazare says.
Roshan’s ‘before and after’ pictures prove how much hard work he has put in. It’s an action and dance sequence,” Hazare said of the 50-year-old actor’s workout routine.
in GQ In an exclusive, Hazare completely explains how Hrithik Roshan transformed his body. warrior.
Hrithik Roshan’s Intensive Training Program
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Hrithik’s training schedule was planned as per his requirement to achieve a shredded look in the action and dance sequences. Actors typically start their morning workouts with 60 to 70 minutes of strength training, followed by 30 to 45 minutes of cardio. To get a more defined and shredded look, the actor underwent two cardio sessions to get that sharp and toned look.
Although this training was designed to meet the actor’s physical requirements, the exercises were divided into different body parts such as the chest, shoulders, and midsection. Roshan’s workouts were also planned around compound lifts, supported by simple individual exercises. Since he had a very limited period of time to achieve this shredded look, Hazare did an exercise that combined many drops with his sets and supersets.of warrior The actor’s training was divided into seven days and was conducted as follows: