First-round results in France’s election suggest Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party could soon take power in the French parliament, forcing Lamy to work with populist right-wing parties, but he has not previously praised her highly.
2017: “We don’t want the xenophobia of Farage or Le Pen in our country. We must stand up to them and their poisonous ideas. First America, then Le Pen. This virus is just as contagious as it was in the 1930s… But there are those of us who have not forgotten history and will stand up and fight this shit until our last breath.”
2018: “Malicious people [presidential aide] Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen are trying to drag us to the bottom.”
About Viktor Orbán
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is one of several international politicians whom Lamy may be forced to work with, despite his past criticism. To complicate matters further, Hungary currently holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union.
2019: “Farage meets with Bannon. Trump retweets Hopkins. Orbán manipulates Putin. Fascism is built on an international network of disinformation, propaganda and collaboration. The greatest irony is that it relies on the very globalization it denounces.”
2020: “We have already seen Boris Johnson attack the UK’s courts and other democratic norms. His aide Tim Montgomery’s praise of Viktor Orbán, who is dismantling democracy in Hungary, shows how dangerous this government is. We must do all we can to resist.”
2021: “Rolling out the red carpet for Viktor Orbán’s show” [Boris Johnson’s] Twisted priorities. Two illiberal statists who will strip the courts of their power and monopolise it. The only thing they’re missing is Donald Trump.”