For decades, the Valentine’s Day 5K hosted by the Annapolis Striders has been a litmus test for runners who have finished their winter training to measure their fitness levels as the start of the spring racing season approaches.
Originally known as the Valentine Twosome Relay because two runners ran the course and their times were added together to calculate an overall score, it is now a 5.1-mile solo event.
This year’s race will be held at Kinderfarm Park on February 10th (10am). It’s an opportunity to test yourself on a difficult course with fair but deceptive small inclines, where runners must decide when to attack the course and when to start the race.
It’s popular and has a partial out and back section, so it’s also important to move through a larger group of runners to find the best line.
The Valentine’s Day 5K is the first race in the 2024 Annapolis Striders Championship Series, which consists of eight races ranging from 1 mile to 16.3 miles. Overall scores are calculated and year-end prizes and annual bragging rights are awarded.
But the race also renews the running community each year, as people who have competed over the years come together to celebrate the meaning of running and make new friends along the way.
This race has something special because it serves as something of a season-opening event for the community of runners and volunteers who return year after year. Old stories are told, new ones are made, and the cycle begins again with everyone running his 5.1 mile distance. This is a great way to start your running year.
If you’re looking for a fun event with great company, the only pressure you have to succeed is the pressure you put on yourself, the cost is minimal, and you get the “prize” at the end when you know you did your best. , if you are looking for such an event, it is possible. For more information, visit:
casual running series
As most runners are aware, the cost of races increases rapidly over the years. While the benefits of these “big-budget” races have increased, with medals awarded for each distance and events that are more like parties than races, many runners have lost sight of the value in competing or They simply don’t see the value in what is being offered.
Runners don’t need to wear a new shirt every time they race. Runners just want to run a safe course against good competition, even if nothing more awaits them in the end than a banana or a bagel. Although there are several free or low-cost events in the area, the Running His community has historically hosted many events like this that celebrate the simple act of running.
In the 1980s, the Annapolis Striders held a weekly summer series at Truxtan Park. These unofficial races simply met in the evening and ran short distances along Truxtun’s still-extant trails.
In recent days, unofficial races have been held on the trail behind Annapolis High School, as well as all-comers track meets and cross country series held at various locations around the county, where runners receive time and Gatorade at the end. By all accounts, these events were well received and well attended.
Times have changed a bit, and there are permit and insurance issues, but the need for these free or low-cost races still exists. Traffic-free trails range from runs in the park to trails at Truxtan, Waterworks, and Bacon Ridge.
If all stakeholders participate and municipalities waive participation fees for these types of events, it would be a win for everyone involved, especially those who want to race but feel constrained by financial concerns. Dew. Simply put, running’s roots are in low-cost events that anyone can participate in, and as we move forward, we hope that these grassroots events will continue to make running accessible to everyone.
February 2024: Annapolis Striders Championship Series Registration, Information:
February 10th (10am): Valentine’s Day 5K, Kinder Farm Park, Information:
February 24th: Hashawha Trails 50K, Westminster, MD. Information:
February 25th (8am): RRCA 10 Mile Club Challenge, Howard Community College. Information:
March 9: Annapolis Running Festival, Navy-Marine Corps Stadium, Information:
March 23rd: Hut Run 50K, Susquehanna State Park, Havre de Grace, Information:
March 23rd: Barlowe Bolt 5K Run/1 Mile Walk, Millersville, Information: distance-running-races/barlowe-bolt-2024