Our coverage in 2023 saw general and all-round development. From privacy to communications, platform regulation, AI and other areas, there were many topics that were extensively researched by Medianama journalists to extract the stories that matter. As always, with our readers in mind, below is the first part of his two-part series, an edited version of some of his key long texts. Let's go. The scammer sent an email on WhatsApp saying, “Are you busy?” He pretended to be the founder of WebEngage, CleverTap, MediaNama. He was in a meeting with a vendor but exceeded his daily limit. He needs to remit Rs. 5000. We will begin the refund process as soon as possible. thank you. ” What would you do if you received such a message from your employer? Correction: It's from someone impersonating your employer. Well, one of our writers, Saraswati, did that. She fell into a trap. Though he didn't get hooked, he decided to write a story about it. In this article, Saraswati talks about the rising trend of identity fraud, the cunning techniques used by fraudsters, and how people are facing legal consequences in the current scenario. We are tracking the factors that prevent us from resorting to recourse. [Read] Looking beyond the government's rosy picture on healthcare digitization: Telangana's Aarogyasri plan Picture this: you go to a hospital, punch a digital health ID card and voila! Hospitals have access to your medical history. Never go through files or lose your reports. The Telangana state government is considering making this a reality soon. Sounds good,…